Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Happening October 1st, 2010-November 14th, 2010
Okay, if you need to know something about me, here is the one thing you MUST know; I.LOVE.FOOD. I love it a lot. I was in the Culinary Arts shop at my high school and here's what I learned in four years. 1. I love food, and 2. I hate making food. I don't hate baking cookies and cakes and stuff like that, I actually like that a lot and I was really into decorating cakes and things like that, but making food isn't really my thing. I'm more of a....a taster....and a decorator I guess? Anyway, so basically what this is is they turn Epcot into a foodie paradise. All around the World Showcase they have stations where you can try different foods (wines and beers too but I will not be partaking in that part because I'm still a youngin'!) they have little stores, they have music, and usually there are a few famous chefs doing presentations. Now, we watch the Food Network pretty religiously in this house so it would be so cool if I saw someone that I've seen on TV before!
So there we go, one of my first events that I really, really want to see!! I will definitely be putting more things up, maybe even another one tonight :D
Friday, August 6, 2010
on one hand, I'm a wreck. I don't want to leave, I'll miss everyone, whinewhinewhine. On the other hand, I can't wait. I love it down there. It feels more like home than it does up here, and I can't wait for the vacation part. We have so much planned, including water parks and Disney Quest! We haven't done any of the water parks or Disney Quest so it's something to really really look forward to. I can't wait to meet my roommates they all seem like total sweethearts, and I can't wait to meet all my other Disney friends. I can't wait to find out what ride or show I'm going to be working at, I can't wait to see the apartment, then go get more stuff for the apartment...the goods kinda weighing out the bad huh? Of course I know I'm going to have fun and this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing, I just wish I could just skip to the vacation instead of having to deal with packing and saying goodbyes. Well I could, I would just be very unprepared and very rude. I think my next post will be about what I want to do while I'm there and some goals I have for during the program :] I'll try to be a good blogger and actually, you know, BLOG :]
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
25 &26
I think every little girl wishes this would happen to them. I know I always wanted this to happen :]
Friday, July 16, 2010
Day 24: Favorite parent
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Days 22 & 23: Bravest princess and Favoirte dance scene
I think out of all the Disney princesses Pocahontas is the stongest physically and mentally. She goes by what she believes is right, which I think is the bravest thing a person can do.
Favorite Dance Scene: Beauty and the Beast
I tried to pick something else for favorite dance scene but I just can't! This scene is just too perfect :]
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Days 20, 21, & 22:Funniest moment, Favorite quotes, and Bravest princess
"Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known."
"If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so that I never have to be without you."
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all
From Cinderella:
"For with each dawn she found new hope that someday her dreams of happiness would come true."
There are tons of other ones I just can't think of them all :]
I think I'll do bravest princess later...gotta think about this one ;D
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day 18&19: Favorite name and Favorite soundtrack
There are actually a lot of names that I like from Disney, even the common ones...I don't know why but when I like a name I get really attached to it...weird I know :p Let's make a list;
- Giselle
- Jasmine
- Belle
- Meg/Megara
- Wendy
- Ellie
There's a whole bunch of other ones too but I can't think of them all! I just noticed that all of these are girl's names too. I don't know I've just always liked them.
Day 19: Favorite soundtrack
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 17: Best eyes
Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'm jealous that she has dark, wavy hair and green eyes! Why not me :(
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Day 16: Favorite singing voice
So, tomorrow will make it 6 weeks and a day until I leave for Disney. It feels pretty unreal right now and a little scary know that leaving is right around the corner. Well, I have decided that I am going to do a 6 week diet and exercise plan! Perfect timing. I thought that if I talked about it on here it would give me more motivation to actually do it. I won't even tell you how many times I've told myself I'd do this and it doesn't end up happening :p So I will be starting tomorrow :]
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Day 15: Favorite romantic moment
And for the classic one I had to go with the dancing scene in Beauty and the Beast. It's so pretty and it's always been one of my favorite scenes in the movie. Plus, "Tale As Old As Time" is one of my favorite Disney songs, and that song is very romantic too.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Day 14: Favorite villain
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Day 13: Favorite outfit
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Day 12: Favorite nonanimal sidekick

Friday, July 2, 2010
Days 10&11: Best hair & Favorite animal sidekick
Day 9: Best hair
Hands down, Ariel from the Little Mermaid. The length, the color, everything about it is gorgeous. So jealous. If I could pull off this color red I seriously would try it. It was the color that won me over too because the other choice for me would have been Aurora...but she doesn't have this color and rock it. I think I'm going to watch The Little Mermaid right after I'm done with this... :D
Day 10: Favorite animal sidekick
Mushu from Mulan!! You can't say he doesn't make you smile and laugh :] he's sassy. I love it.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day 9: Best couple
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Day 8: Saddest moment :'(
Confession: I watched this just now and cried! I'm really a sap :(
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 7: Favorite castle
The Chateau de Chaumont in France & the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
I want to see these two the most! They are so pretty :]
Days 5&6: Favorite kiss and Prettiest princess
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day 4: Favorite song
I have a skating competition all weekend which is making the 30 day challenge a little tougher than I one and I'm already exhausted! Alright;
Favorite song: I Won't Say (I'm In Love) from Hercules.
~When I was little, I would sing this song on the top of my lungs everytime it came on. I would belt it out like a champ.
~Meg is one of my absolute favorites. She's so sassy. Disney needs more sassy girls like her. I bet she'll show up again somewhere during this challenge.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Day 3: Favorite prince
Okay I'm done gushing. Anyway, last night I met up with Jess again who is going to be my roommate in Disney! We went to Cold Stone and then saw Toy Story 3 again :] we had a lot of fun getting to know eachother more and laughing about the Michael Jackson impersonator (lol) it's nice to have someone that I can talk to face to face about the CareerStart program because she is just as excited as I am about starting! Plus, it makes it a lot more real feeling that I'll actually be there soon :] can't wait! Day 4 tomorrow...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day 2: Favorite princess
P.S. Sorry about all the background changes lately. I've been experimenting and trying to find the perfect background, so it will probably change about 50 more times, and then 50 more times after that :]
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The 30 Day Challenge: BRING IT ON!
Day 4: Favorite song
Day 8: Saddest moment
Day 10: Best hair
Day 11: Favorite animal sidekick
And my second favorite movie is definitely Lilo and Stitch. This is one of the cutest movies I have ever seen! I remember that my mom got the Lilo and Stitch soundtrack before the movie even came out, and I loved it! I love the hawaiian music and I love Elvis Presley, so that makes it amazing. I love all the characters in Lilo and Stitch too! My iPod pops up as Cobra Bubbles when I plug it into the computer, and we were very close to naming our cat Stitch (But he was also almost named Jack Bauer like in 24/It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but was then named Horatio after Horatio Caine from CSI:Miami. We didn't realize that lots of people don't watch the show as religiously as us, so we are used to the funny looks we get when we tell them his name. It's also fun when they call his name at the Vet's office.) Plus, the movie makes me laugh all the time! It made me also want to visit Hawaii so badly. Hawaii is at the top of my list of places I desperately need to go to! Plus, I really want to start celebrating sandwich day because of Pudge.
Yay Pudge! Stay tuned for Day 2!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Click the links for the best Disney videos ever :]
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Your feet can learn the steps, but only your heart can skate them.
"Do you remember why you skate, or has it been too long? Is it because you’ve worked so hard to get where you are, or because you love to be part of this team? Is it because you don’t want to let anyone down, including yourself? Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become, the hours of practice, the teammates who believed in you, and the fans who cheered for you, is the little girl who put on her first pair of skates—who fell in love with the sport, and never looked back.
Skate for her."
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Number one!! :D
Not this scary looking furball: