At first I couldn't really think of a prince that was my favorite. I like them all the same, and none really jumped out as a favorite. But then I remembered, Prince Caspian is definitely a Disney movie! So Prince Caspian is hands down my favorite Disney prince. Well there are the definites like he is generous, brave, and kind, which are the Disney prince characteristics...but umm...I kind of like that he's...absolutely gorgeous? :] haha Sorry, I couldn't resist. Look, I love the Chronicles of Narnia it was one of my favorite series that I read when I was little, but the movie wasn't that great. He made it a lot better to watch though! The last time we were at Disney for Christmas I got a Prince Caspian pin that is still on one of my backpacks that I use to travel with. Plus, the accent helps :]
swoonOkay I'm done gushing. Anyway, last night I met up with Jess again who is going to be my roommate in Disney! We went to Cold Stone and then saw Toy Story 3 again :] we had a lot of fun getting to know eachother more and laughing about the Michael Jackson impersonator (lol) it's nice to have someone that I can talk to face to face about the CareerStart program because she is just as excited as I am about starting! Plus, it makes it a lot more real feeling that I'll actually be there soon :] can't wait! Day 4 tomorrow...
aww love the end of this post =)