Friday, August 6, 2010


It's official. 14 days. 2 weeks. 336 hours. Actually, 336 hours makes me feel a little better! I remember in April when I got my letter thinking, "God it's going to take forever to get to September"...not so much. It's already August 6th and in 2 weeks I'll be on my way to Orlando...THIS IS CRAZY!!! I have so much to do, so many people to see...AHHHHH. Right now I'm more overwhelmed than excited. I think I'm just being dramatic though. Everytime I go somewhere no matter what it is I pack at the last minute...meaning on August 20th at around 4 a.m. I'll be almost halfway packed. That's just how I am. And I mean, I don't want to bring too much stuff because God only knows how much I'll buy down there ;]
on one hand, I'm a wreck. I don't want to leave, I'll miss everyone, whinewhinewhine. On the other hand, I can't wait. I love it down there. It feels more like home than it does up here, and I can't wait for the vacation part. We have so much planned, including water parks and Disney Quest! We haven't done any of the water parks or Disney Quest so it's something to really really look forward to. I can't wait to meet my roommates they all seem like total sweethearts, and I can't wait to meet all my other Disney friends. I can't wait to find out what ride or show I'm going to be working at, I can't wait to see the apartment, then go get more stuff for the apartment...the goods kinda weighing out the bad huh? Of course I know I'm going to have fun and this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing, I just wish I could just skip to the vacation instead of having to deal with packing and saying goodbyes. Well I could, I would just be very unprepared and very rude. I think my next post will be about what I want to do while I'm there and some goals I have for during the program :] I'll try to be a good blogger and actually, you know, BLOG :]

1 comment:

  1. haha Yes! I miss your blogs! :D

    And I know exactly how you feel! But you're leaving way eariler than me!
