So, yesterday I met up with my first Disney Career Start friend. Her name is Jess and she was the first one to reach out to me when I first joined the boards and the facebook group. Here's the crazy thing; we live 15 minutes away from eachother!. My mom had joined the disboards first and after 5 minutes of being on it she said, "There's a girl from Woonsocket!" I could walk to Woonsocket if I wanted to :p So we went to Friendly's last night and pretty much talked about everything, and we decided, "hey let's be roommates!" I was so excited! Later that night, we were all on disboards and we (meaning me, Jess, Nichelle, Steph, Brittany, and Taylor) are going to try and all room together! It's so great it already feels like a mini family. We are already planning on a bunch of fun things to do the first night, and Jess and I are planning on getting stuff together over the summer :] Now we can use our crazy New England slang and we'll know what the other one is talking about!

Here's the first thing I bought for disney. It's my lovely princess comforter and sheets. I've been eyeing these babies since I saw them at the store and told my mom, "If I get in, I want those for my bed." When we got them though, it all kind of hit me. I'm moving to Orlando. It's really crazy to think that in November I was planning on staying home, finding a job, and saving for college, but now I'm getting ready to do the Disney Career Start Program and getting stuff for the apartment I'll be living in. I still can't believe it. It's a little overwhelming, but I'm so excited that I've been all smiles since I found out I got in :] Yes, there are still some nerves, I mean, it is pretty far away, but I'm a tough cookie I'll be alright!
this post makes me so excited! and I love the title, even though no one probably know what it means. haha i think thats why i like it so much. =p